Prediction results for Q97DI6

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Disordered by Loops/coils definition

>Q97DI6_LOOPS 10-17, 22-31, 92-118
midekflieS NELVESSkiv mVGTNGENGY Pnikammrlk hdglkkfwls tntstrmver lkknnkicly fvddnkfagl mlvgtieilh dRASKEMLWT DGCEIYYPLG IDDPDYTAlc ftaewgnyyr hlknitfkid eiyny

Disordered by Hot-loops definition

>Q97DI6_HOTLOOPS 1-30, 134-145
MIDEKFLIES NELVESSKIV MVGTNGENGY pnikammrlk hdglkkfwls tntstrmver lkknnkicly fvddnkfagl mlvgtieilh draskemlwt dgceiyyplg iddpdytalc ftaewgnyyr hlkNITFKID EIYNY

Disordered by Remark-465 definition

>Q97DI6_REM465 none
midekflies nelvesskiv mvgtngengy pnikammrlk hdglkkfwls tntstrmver lkknnkicly fvddnkfagl mlvgtieilh draskemlwt dgceiyyplg iddpdytalc ftaewgnyyr hlknitfkid eiyny

Frames used smooth=8 peak=8 join=4
Thresholds used coils=0.516 rem465=0.6 hot loops=0.1204
Name Q97DI6
Description tr|Q97DI6|Q97DI6_CLOAB Protein, related to general stress protein 26(GS26) of B.subtilis (Pyridoxinephosphate oxidase family) OS=Clostridium acetobutylicum (strain ATCC 824 / DSM 792 / JCM 1419 / IAM 19013 / LMG 5710 / NBRC 13948 / NRRL B-527 / VKM B-1787 / 2291 / W) OX=272562 GN=CA_C3491 PE=1 SV=1
Title/ID none
Sequence length 145
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